Industrial Transgenders

im a single man bald with tattoos I have a home and career. I enjoy working on my cars. I love bbq to fine dining. love to pnp. I love Latina women, feminine a must. age unimportant. must be clean and drama free

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Mature age transgender M2F, still body surf ride horses and motorcycles can fly LSA 43 years of Tai Chi and other martial arts Excellent Cook likes Music and good Movies and friends.Absolutely not into Sub/Dom or BDSM no interest in quasi lesbian...

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I would describe myself as a hard-working passionate and loving man I can fall into love I am a hopeless romantic I like to travel the world no matter where I am I need a beautiful woman next to me in bed that I can hold on to and cuddle with. I have...

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I always thought that the other kids were just being mean because I was poor. Now I'm realizing that they were cruel because I really am unattractive 🥺. At least that's how it is starting to look, anyways. So if you wasted your time looking at my...

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I like family, my friends, Happy people. No drama, great cook and grilled. I'm open to fun. My match: no drama no fights, I want her to be full of love and fun.

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